Only users with a 'Hiring' account can search for crew to hire. 

To search for crew based on availability, please login to your TourReady account and follow these steps:

1. Click Browse Crew on the Menu bar

2. Select the type of crew you are looking to hire

3. Select the appropriate start and end dates that you need your crew for

4. Fill out any additional filter options if necessary

5. Click Search

6. View Results 

*Please Note: There are three types of calendar icons on the results list. To find exact matches during the filtering process, please select the 'Exact Match' button on the filter. 

1. The 'green' calendar icon indicates that there are no scheduling conflicts with your date range

2. The 'yellow' calendar icon indicates that there is a partial scheduling conflicts with your date range

3. The 'red' calendar icon indicates that there is a major scheduling conflict with your date range